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Monday, May 20, 2013

To begin...

So yesterday kicked off the last 30 days before I turn 30 years old. I had planned to count down these 30 days here, online, but had an unreasonable amount of difficulty counting backwards from June 18th, plus was very busy yesterday with various 29 year-old obligations. So I’ll start here. May 20th, 2013. Counting down to 30.
I’ve had this idea for a little project to share for a while. I’ve given quite a bit of thought as to how to celebrate this birthday. I know other friends are going on trips or having big parties and I’ve played around with various ideas – maybe a party or dinner with friends, 30 good deeds, 30 birthday freebies, maybe even a birthday tattoo.  Who knows, maybe some of those things will still happen. But I want to go back to the past a bit before I look to the future.  Although 30 is still relatively young, there is something about a decade change that calls for pause and reflection. I listened to this today, which confirmed the need for reflection (in other words, freaked me the heck out):

            Particularly, the point that really stuck with me is that

 “… we know that 80% of life’s most defining moments take place by 35.”
Aack! Luckily, I had already decided to do this project and began compiling those “defining moments.” So what follows is not so much a detailed account (I don’t have the memory, nor assume that you have the interest for that) as it is what sticks out in my mind from each year, and what stories have endured. Not everything is a defining moment. In fact, I’d say that I am mostly defined by my collective experiences. These experiences seem to have set in place an identify I feel I’ve always had. It’s just me. But I’ll try to save most of the reflection for later. So hopefully you’re here because you’re a friend or family. Maybe we have some kick ass memories together. If we do, I hope I do them justice. I am interested in hearing other people’s takes and what they might have to add, or what they remember as being significant. Maybe you’re just here for fun. If you are, I’ll try not to feel too nervous about putting this out there and just know that this is a good place to learn a little more about me.

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