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Thursday, May 23, 2013


Age 2. What I was able to gather from my parents, and I quote:
“You didn’t really do that much” (mom) and “You probably just weren’t that cute” (dad).
On a side note, thank goodness for technology and a plethora of pictures and videos that will help me remember Gabe at this age. And my parents do, in fact, love me and I am sure they will remember everything just as soon as this post goes up. They do remember that I was potty trained before I turned two. I loved being a big sister and have always had a fiercely independent streak that began around this age. My mantra was “I can do it myself,” which included picking out my own clothes, dressing myself, and fixing my own hair. This, inevitably, led to some embarrassing school photos later in life.
Luckily for my character development, my parents have always honored my choices in life. I did get into some trouble at this age. My main offenses included writing on the walls and using naughty words. Yes, I did in fact exclaim “fucking shit!” when I dropped my favorite doll. My mom had one of those perfect “I told you so” moments with my dad, who from that point on was much more careful about the language he used.

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