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Saturday, June 1, 2013


6th grade. I remember being part of a small group of teacher’s pets. In my memory, this is mainly because we wrote long reports about various countries and presented what we learned along with our favorite dishes from that particular place (How very domestic of us!). That is, when we weren’t playing Oregon Trail on floppy disk. I remember one girl from this group giddily telling me (then again maybe I just heard it through the preteen grapevine) about letting her boyfriend touch her boob. I picture this in her front yard and for some reason a lawn mower is running. Distinctly remember thinking she was slutty, but probably did not use that word yet. Hit puberty at this age and didn’t really think it was that big of a deal. I pretty much took on learning everything myself (remember my mantra from when I was two?), with only a few missteps. The first time I shaved my legs, I figured you had to press down hard to remove the hair, so I pushed my disposable razor right up against my shin and deftly removed both skin and hair. Thirty bandaids later,  I wished I had let my mom explain shaving and other female tricks. Then wished my swimming teacher hadn’t explained the difference between PMS and having your period. For some reason, she would always ask the girls to explain why you couldn't swim that week and felt the need to correct my maundering excuse. Awkward!

I think I got a Citizenship Award at the end of my 6th grade year, which naturally would have been presented to me while I was wearing this gem of a belly shirt: 

I remember getting a card from a classmate, too at the end of the year that said "you are nice to everyone." Thinking about that card makes me love that Citizenship Award-winning girl.

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