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Tuesday, June 4, 2013


At age 14, I had my first, and only *knocks on wood* major injury. Whilst exercising my considerable (not) basketball skills on the court, my leg above my knee pivoted, while my leg below my knee remained static. Don’t try this at home – it will result in a torn ACL. I had to injure myself twice more before I was sent to an awesome orthopedic surgeon (Dr. Rosenberg), who took one of the ligaments from behind my knee, folded it in half, and inserted it in place of my destroyed ACL. I remember huge knee braces, physical therapy, painful treatments for swelling, my mom being worried about our upcoming trip to Mexico, and an awful field trip to Shelburne Farms in which all my friends left me in the lunch line alone and I couldn’t walk on my crutches and carry my lunch tray at the same time. Sad face.

At this age, I had my first relationship evolve beyond passing notes in the cafeteria and checking “yes” if I wanted to go out with someone. This lasted a whole four months, then I broke up with the poor fellow by leaving a note in his locker. Not my best move. This must have all been before my torn ACL, though, because I don’t remember TLC from anyone other than my mother and my friends, who kept me company during my recovery.

 Also, at age 14 I started experimenting with makeup, dyeing my hair and plucking my eyebrows. I've never gone back.  You all should be glad. Otherwise, you would share the same sentiment as my family when they used to remark "Oh, Emily, you have Uncle Bob's eyebrow!"
Approximately 1987, b.t. (before tweezers)

Much better

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