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Sunday, June 16, 2013


Age 25: At the time, a quarter of a century felt old! I remember complaining to the woman that one of my housemates was dating (they were both in their early thirties) the first year I was living in Natick (so age 22) how much I missed college life and couldn't totally imagine being as happy and having as much fun as I did there. She said that life is different as you get older, but in a way it's better because you are more settled and secure. You make your own money and your own decisions, and sometimes it's even nice to be on your own. I have to say, as I grew out of my early twenties, I have to agree. I was probably a little extra grumpy when I was complaining, anyways. It always takes me about a year to get used to living in a new place or undergoing a big transition before I feel truly content.

Hey, remember being little and thinking that people in their twenties were SO old? And imagining being like 25 and being married with kids and a house? Although I hardly felt old at the time, life circumstances led me to this path a little sooner than expected. At the end of my 25th year, I ran the Boston Marathon, finished my Masters, and got knocked up, in that order. It sounds a little vulgar to put it that way, but it was an unexpected and slightly scary, but ultimately wonderful surprise. I had the perfect partner in this. Steven and I both knew, individually, that we would one day get married and have kids and one of the first things he did was point this out, and then offer that "it's just happening a little sooner than we expected." Also, seeing my fear and tears, the very first word out of his mouth was "Awesome!" Then the next day, he came home with pink and blue noisemakers, cigars, and a baby doll to gift to me for the baby I was giving him. I've got quite a man.

Team NECC. We trained together and raised money for my school. 

I wore a tutu with puzzle pieces glued on. On each one, I wrote the name of a student I had worked with.

Surprise! 18 weeks pregnant.

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