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Monday, June 10, 2013


I turned 20 shortly after my return from study abroad in Vienna. For my reintegration back to the States, I worked 60+ hours a week, ran 6 miles a day, and hit the gym 3-4 times a week. I ate insanely healthy and was in the best shape of my life. My transition back to college in the fall was a little more difficult. I played rugby and went to class, but stopped running, started going out 3-4 times a week, and gained probably 15 pounds - collateral damage that I referred to as a hang-over type effect of my study abroad, induced by life going on when I wasn't there to experience it. My junior year, I had some good times with good friends, but overall was not my best self.
... but at least I was skinny and had pretty hair?
On the plus side of things... I loved living in my sorority house junior and senior year of college. There is nothing quite like living with 20 of your best girlfriends – there is always someone to talk to, study with, laugh with, cry with, go out with, play practical jokes on, and generally just engage in silly antics.



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